As Featured on the BBC, Sky, Channel 4 and The Discovery Channel.

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Love this app! He has the most relaxing voice x
A Google user
Thank You... Thank You... Thank You!!! I am a young widow and have suffered with major bouts of insomnia, grief, sadness & depression almost four years. I have tried grief
Thank You... Thank You... Thank You!!! I am a young widow and have suffered with major bouts of insomnia, grief, sadness & depression almost four years. I have tried grief
Darren Marks has the best apps for self hypnosis for any aspect of your life you want to improve. Money well spent!
A Google User
This app is so good. If I can't get to sleep, I will listen to it and I never hear the end as I'm asleep within minutes! So relaxing.
I was a skeptic at first but it's proved to work for me. Whether the hypnosis actually works or its just all in my head, I don't care. All that
A Google User
This is very impressive. I feel so relaxed and just plain better inside. Before using find a very silent and dim lit place. Male sure you cant be disturbed. Then
A Google User
...I highly recommend this app. To be perfectly honest, I usually don't go to sleep with the Deep Sleep track, but I have several tomes during the relaxation one! Guess
Got to the part where he said relax all muscles in your body then lost bowel control, good up until there though
A Google User
Got to the part where he said relax all muscles in your body then lost bowel control, good up until there though
A Google user
If you are having trouble sleeping you should get this app. I am a college student with a crazy sleeping problem & every night my roommate & I listen to
If you are having trouble sleeping you should get this app. I am a college student with a crazy sleeping problem & every night my roommate & I listen to

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